Lantana camara L.
Brand: Gavrish
Packaged:0,1 g
Ex Tax: 2.15€
Sage tree "Ljubava" - Lantana camara.
An evergreen shrub 80-150 cm high with tetrahedral pubescent stems and hard grey-green leaves.
The flowers are small, which change colour from orange to pink or reddish when flowering. It has a pleasant smell. It blooms from spring to late autumn.
Sowing is done in spring in boxes with loose substrate, which are placed in a light room with a temperature of at least +20 °C. Seedlings appear in 3-4 weeks.
To get compact plants, they are pinched repeatedly. In spring, the shoots are cut by 1/3, stimulating the formation of new shoots and flowering. In winter, they are placed on the southern side of the room, maintaining a temperature of at least +14 °C. In summer, water often, in winter - less often.
Warning: lantana fruits are poisonous!

Ogaline lantaan Yellow sage, lantana, sage tree Kirjotulikruunu Eldkrona Lantana aculeata Lantana tiliifolia auct. non Cham. Lantana crocea Lantana camara Лантана камара
Yellow sage, lantana, sage tree. Bot. syn.: Lantana aculeata L., Lantana tiliifolia auct. non Cham. Lantana crocea Jacq.

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